While writing roadTo, I often need to test commands in recent systems, see if everything is still working as It is supposed to, or If there was any upgrades.
The main project, called Bob, is to build an entire devops infrastructure, with docker, cloud, k8s, ansible, terraform, cloud providers and else. But while working on this, I sometimes have some random ideas about QoL improvements I can have (like a zsh theme that I can replicate among all my systems). This part is used to record those projects and in what state they currently are (mostly WIP).
Table of contents
- Docker initiation
- Docker
- httpd/traefik/prometheus/grafana
- Node_exporter and Cadvisor (WIP)
- Ansible (WIP)
- Kubernetes
- Terraform
- Cloud providers fail-over
- gRPC
- Add Email/DHCP/DNS/VPN
- Build my own infrastructure
- QoL improvements
- tmux with tmuxinator
- Ozsh theme
- Web page for binsh.io